
Kami menyempurnakan Persyaratan Layanan kami untuk membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami. Perubahan ini akan mulai berlaku pada 31 Maret 2020, dan tidak akan memengaruhi cara Anda menggunakan layanan Google.
Untuk detail selengkapnya, kami telah menyiapkan ringkasan perubahan penting dan Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ). Secara sekilas, berikut arti perubahan ini bagi Anda:
Dokumen yang lebih mudah dipahami: Meskipun Persyaratan kami tetap merupakan dokumen hukum, kami berupaya sebaik mungkin untuk membuatnya lebih mudah dipahami, termasuk dengan memberikan definisi dan menyertakan link ke informasi yang bermanfaat.
Komunikasi yang lebih baik: Kami akan menyampaikan secara jelas kapan kami akan melakukan perubahan pada layanan kami (seperti menambahkan atau menghapus fitur) dan membatasi atau mengakhiri akses pengguna. Kami akan melakukan upaya lebih untuk memberi tahu Anda apabila perubahan yang kami lakukan berdampak buruk terhadap pengalaman Anda dengan layanan kami.
Menambahkan Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS, dan Google Drive ke Persyaratan: Persyaratan kami yang telah diperbarui sekarang mencakup Google Chrome, Google Chrome OS, dan Google Drive, yang juga memiliki persyaratan dan kebijakan layanannya masing-masing untuk membantu Anda memahami hal yang unik dari layanan tersebut.
Tidak ada perubahan pada Kebijakan Privasi: Kami tidak melakukan perubahan apa pun pada Kebijakan Privasi Google dan belum melakukan perubahan apa pun terkait cara kami memperlakukan informasi Anda. Sebagai pengingat, Anda dapat membuka Akun Google untuk meninjau setelan privasi Anda dan mengelola bagaimana data Anda digunakan.
Jika Anda adalah wali dari anak dengan usia di bawah yang disyaratkan untuk mengelola Akun Google sendiri dan Anda menggunakan Family Link untuk mengelola penggunaan layanan Google olehnya, harap perhatikan bahwa saat Anda menyetujui Persyaratan baru kami, Anda juga melakukannya atas nama anak Anda, dan sebaiknya luangkan waktu untuk mendiskusikan perubahan ini dengannya. Perhatikan bahwa jika Anda menyetujui Persyaratan baru kami dan mengizinkan anak Anda menggunakan layanan kami, Anda mungkin akan bertanggung jawab atas aktivitas anak Anda di layanan tersebut.
Dan tentu saja, jika Anda tidak setuju dengan Persyaratan baru kami dan apa yang dapat kita harapkan dari satu sama lain saat Anda menggunakan layanan kami, Anda dapat mencari informasi lebih lanjut tentang opsi yang dapat Anda pilih di Pertanyaan Umum (FAQ).
Terima kasih telah menggunakan layanan Google.
Hormat kami, Tim Google
Home of the World Family Tree

Dear maulana ,

We hope you're enjoying a wonderful holiday season and wish you a happy and prosperous new year! 2019 was another great year for Geni and we'd like to help you start 2020 strong by offering you a huge 40% discount on the Geni Pro plan.

Here's what we've accomplished on Geni this past year:

  • The World Family Tree has grown to 139 million profiles, connecting millions of Geni users to each other, noteworthy historical figures and modern-day figures as well.
  • With the re-release of our GEDCOM Importer, users can easily start their tree or add onto an incomplete branch by simply importing a file from their desktop software or another site.
  • New features such as Multiple Relationship Paths and the Geni Consistency Checker give you more insight into your family tree and help you make it even better.

The new year promises to bring more exciting improvements to Geni, and you can best take advantage of these features with a Geni Pro account. Show your support for Geni and get a huge discount on a plan that gets you all of the following:

  • Improved tree matches that automatically show you where profiles in your tree overlap with other branches already on Geni -- merge duplicates to connect new branches and join the World Family Tree.
  • Advanced search including filtering on dates, locations and immediate family member names
  • Unlimited photo and document uploads
  • Premium support from our Customer Service team

Upgrade to Geni Pro now and enjoy a 40% discount!

Don't delay, this offer is only valid until today.

Happy New Year,

The Geni Team

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© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Dear maulana ,

We hope you're enjoying a wonderful holiday season and wish you a happy and prosperous new year! 2019 was another great year for Geni and we'd like to help you start 2020 strong by offering you a huge 40% discount on the Geni Pro plan.

Here's what we've accomplished on Geni this past year:

  • The World Family Tree has grown to 139 million profiles, connecting millions of Geni users to each other, noteworthy historical figures and modern-day figures as well.
  • With the re-release of our GEDCOM Importer, users can easily start their tree or add onto an incomplete branch by simply importing a file from their desktop software or another site.
  • New features such as Multiple Relationship Paths and the Geni Consistency Checker give you more insight into your family tree and help you make it even better.

The new year promises to bring more exciting improvements to Geni, and you can best take advantage of these features with a Geni Pro account. Show your support for Geni and get a huge discount on a plan that gets you all of the following:

  • Improved tree matches that automatically show you where profiles in your tree overlap with other branches already on Geni -- merge duplicates to connect new branches and join the World Family Tree.
  • Advanced search including filtering on dates, locations and immediate family member names
  • Unlimited photo and document uploads
  • Premium support from our Customer Service team

Upgrade to Geni Pro now and enjoy a 40% discount!

Don't delay, this offer is only valid until January 5, 2020.

Happy New Year,

The Geni Team

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© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Our parent company, MyHeritage, has extended its biggest sale of the year:

MyHeritage DNA
Last Chance
Cyber Monday Sale
Only $39 $79
Order now
MyHeritage DNA

Dear maulana ,

Following the enthusiastic response MyHeritage has decided to extend its biggest sale of the year.
This is your last chance to get as many MyHeritage DNA kits as you want for the lowest price EVER — ONLY $39 each!
Enjoy FREE SHIPPING for orders of 2+ kits and a beautiful new gift wrap option.
Order now
Happy shopping!
The Geni and MyHeritage Teams
Offer expires on December 2, 2019, at 11:59 PM
MyHeritage DNA
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© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Dear maulana ,

We are pleased to let you know about an outstanding offer from Geni's parent company, MyHeritage, that you can use to gain access to all 10 billion historical records on MyHeritage, and to create a family tree of unlimited size on MyHeritage. Enjoy a 50% discount on the MyHeritage Complete Plan, detailed below.

This special offer is only available to Geni users who are not currently subscribers of MyHeritage.

2019 has been a great year for MyHeritage so far, with new genetic genealogy tools released such as Theory of Family Relativity™ and AutoClusters, hundreds of millions of new historical records added, and exciting new product features.

Get 50% OFF the Complete plan — the best MyHeritage plan for family history research, and enjoy all of the following:

Historical_record_1552394903 Full access to all 10 billion historical records on MyHeritage, and all Record Matches — historical records that match your ancestors and relatives, including on Geni
Family_tree_1552394938 Unlimited family tree size on MyHeritage and unlimited photo storage
Smart_matches_1552395052 Smart Matches™ — finds connections between your family tree on MyHeritage and, and other users' family trees to bring you new information
Instant_discoveries_1552395112 Instant Discoveries™ — adds entire branches and photos to your MyHeritage tree
Consistency_checker_1552394995 Consistency Checker — scans your family tree and identifies mistakes and inconsistencies in your data
Support_1552395147 Priority Customer Support

If you enjoy tracing your family history and making new discoveries, don't miss out on this great offer! Hurry up, the offer expires on September 30, 2019.


The Geni Team

You are currently signed up to receive emails about new Geni features and announcements. Unsubscribe.
© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Dear maulana ,

We are pleased to let you know about an outstanding offer from Geni's parent company, MyHeritage, that you can use to gain access to all 10 billion historical records on MyHeritage, and to create a family tree of unlimited size on MyHeritage. Enjoy a 50% discount on the MyHeritage Complete Plan, detailed below.

This special offer is only available to Geni users who are not currently subscribers of MyHeritage.

2019 has been a great year for MyHeritage so far, with new genetic genealogy tools released such as Theory of Family Relativity™ and AutoClusters, hundreds of millions of new historical records added, and exciting new product features.

Get 50% OFF the Complete plan — the best MyHeritage plan for family history research, and enjoy all of the following:

Historical_record_1552394903 Full access to all 10 billion historical records on MyHeritage, and all Record Matches — historical records that match your ancestors and relatives, including on Geni
Family_tree_1552394938 Unlimited family tree size on MyHeritage and unlimited photo storage
Smart_matches_1552395052 Smart Matches™ — finds connections between your family tree on MyHeritage and, and other users' family trees to bring you new information
Instant_discoveries_1552395112 Instant Discoveries™ — adds entire branches and photos to your MyHeritage tree
Consistency_checker_1552394995 Consistency Checker — scans your family tree and identifies mistakes and inconsistencies in your data
Support_1552395147 Priority Customer Support

If you enjoy tracing your family history and making new discoveries, don't miss out on this great offer! Hurry up, the offer expires on September 26, 2019.


The Geni Team

You are currently signed up to receive emails about new Geni features and announcements. Unsubscribe.
© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Dear maulana ,

We have some good news for you. As a valued customer we're pleased to offer you a significant discount that you can use to improve your family tree, and easily connect new branches to the World Family Tree of over 132 million profiles.

The discount is available for a limited period only, until June 9, 2019. The Pro account will enable you to take advantage of Geni's advanced search engine, unlimited Tree Matches, and unlimited photo and video storage.

For the next few days only, enjoy a 40% discount on the Geni Pro plan.

If you enjoy tracing your family history and discovering long-lost family members, don't miss this offer to upgrade at the most affordable price. Hurry up, the offer expires on June 9, 2019.

Kind regards,

The Geni Team

You are currently signed up to receive emails about new Geni features and announcements. Unsubscribe.
© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Dear maulana ,

We have some good news for you. As a valued customer we're pleased to offer you a significant discount that you can use to improve your family tree, and easily connect new branches to the World Family Tree of over 132 million profiles.

The discount is available for a limited period only, until June 2, 2019. The Pro account will enable you to take advantage of Geni's advanced search engine, unlimited Tree Matches, and unlimited photo and video storage.

For the next few days only, enjoy a 40% discount on the Geni Pro plan.

If you enjoy tracing your family history and discovering long-lost family members, don't miss this offer to upgrade at the most affordable price. Hurry up, the offer expires on June 2, 2019.

Kind regards,

The Geni Team

You are currently signed up to receive emails about new Geni features and announcements. Unsubscribe.
© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Hi maulana ,

We've extended the offer below until Friday night, April 12, 2019.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to get a 50% discount on the MyHeritage Data plan!

From: Geni <>
To: maulana rizal <>
Date: April 4, 2019
Subject: Historical records sale — 50% Off — last chance

Dear maulana ,

2019 is shaping up as a great year for MyHeritage and Geni — and we would love for you to be part of it.

MyHeritage just added new features such as Theory of Family Relativity™ and AutoClusters, added new historical records such as the Norway Census Records, and the MyHeritage DNA test kit is becoming hugely popular.

To celebrate this, with spring just around the corner, we're pleased to offer you a significant discount that you can use to help your family tree blossom.

But hurry! The discount is only available until April 12, 2019

Get 50% OFF the MyHeritage Data plan, which works in concert with Geni, and enjoy full access to all 9.6 billion historical records on MyHeritage.

This includes Record Matches on Geni — historical records that match your ancestors and relatives. You'll also get full access to MyHeritage Smart Matches™ — find connections between your family tree on Geni and other users' trees to bring you new information.

Using the Data plan, you can search for historical records yourself on MyHeritage's mighty search engine, SuperSearch™. It offers one of the best historical records collections for users with ancestors outside of the United States. Featuring exclusive Nordic census collections, a huge collection of US historical yearbooks, exclusive Global Name Translation™ technology and one billion new records added every year, it's a must-have genealogy tool even if you have access to historical records on other services.

If you enjoy tracing your family history and making new discoveries, don't miss out on this great offer. Hurry up, the offer expires on April 12, 2019 at midnight.

The Geni and MyHeritage Teams
You are currently signed up to receive emails about new Geni features and announcements. Unsubscribe.
© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
Home of the World Family Tree

Dear maulana ,

2019 is shaping up as a great year for MyHeritage and Geni — and we would love for you to be part of it.

MyHeritage just added new features such as Theory of Family Relativity™ and AutoClusters, added new historical records such as the Norway Census Records, and the MyHeritage DNA test kit is becoming hugely popular.

To celebrate this, with spring just around the corner, we're pleased to offer you a significant discount that you can use to help your family tree blossom.

But hurry! The discount is only available until April 7, 2019

Get 50% OFF the MyHeritage Data plan, which works in concert with Geni, and enjoy full access to all 9.6 billion historical records on MyHeritage.

This includes Record Matches on Geni — historical records that match your ancestors and relatives. You'll also get full access to MyHeritage Smart Matches™ — find connections between your family tree on Geni and other users' trees to bring you new information.

Using the Data plan, you can search for historical records yourself on MyHeritage's mighty search engine, SuperSearch™. It offers one of the best historical records collections for users with ancestors outside of the United States. Featuring exclusive Nordic census collections, a huge collection of US historical yearbooks, exclusive Global Name Translation™ technology and one billion new records added every year, it's a must-have genealogy tool even if you have access to historical records on other services.

If you enjoy tracing your family history and making new discoveries, don't miss out on this great offer. Hurry up, the offer expires on April 7, 2019 at midnight.

The Geni and MyHeritage Teams
You are currently signed up to receive emails about new Geni features and announcements. Unsubscribe.
© | P.O. Box 4015, Burbank, CA 91503 USA
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